Where is PAK TAT toy factory located?
Located in a very convenient location, the PAK TAT Company's factory is easy to find. Our carefully selected areas make the the delivery of mini pro drone more efficient, saving a lot of time for both parties. Covering a large area in this convenient place guarantees most of the manufacturing while ensuring quality.

As a world class producer of custom rc cars, PAK TAT toy is quickly growing. fast mini rc cars produced by PAK TAT toy is very popular in the market. The encapsulation materials of PAK TAT rc quadcopter drone are purchased by our procurement team who often interviews or visits suppliers, strictly verifying the performance of the semiconductor materials. Designed with 2.4GHz technology, it has a long remote-control range. This product has an outstanding and long lifespan and can be dimmed according to the requirements, which helps save energy costs and provide maximum convenience for users. With a built-in USB charging cable, the product is easy to charge.

PAK TAT is always honest with colleagues and our partners. Inquire now!
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